Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas 2009 Pics

Alex did not exactly get how he was supposed to play with the new doggie Uncle Bob and Aunt Poem gave him. Thought trying to swallow the handle was the best thing to do. I was just a little worried when Blaine had to pull it out from behind his teeth! 2nd pic: Alex is being a big boy eating pancakes with Daddy at Grant Margies. His appetite has really picked up as of late, yeah.

There was a mass gathering of Johnston's after Christmas. Alex had a great time with his cousins Asher and Ruul. And, I just thought this last one was cute:)

Monday, December 28, 2009

alex and horsey

Well, Chrsitmas was a great success. Alex had a wonderful time opening his presents. He may have gotten a few more books and clothes then he wanted. My bad. He loved his new rocking horse though and all the other great things (like shoes, cars, etc) that he got from everyone. He did not exactly get Santa coming this year, but we worked on the word Santa and he now knows Santa says Ho Ho Ho. I think next year will be the big year for Santa.

I really enjoyed our Christmas morning, it was fun as a little family to spend that morning with each other. But then it was also great to have lots of family to travel to.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Alex just loves doggies. He and Bama are great friends. Any time he sees a doggie he lets you know it.

Monday, December 21, 2009


So, Alex has had his first encounter with snow. He doesn't mind being carried through it, but walking in it not so much his thing. Mind you this snow was 15 inches deep.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So Alex is such a cute baby that I want to get as close to him as I can when I take a picture...
However, when you really think about this, yeah not so nice of mommy..

Saturday, November 21, 2009

It amazes me how long it took him to walk, and yet how quickly it has taken him to become good at it. We went to the playground for the first time today (I will have to get a video of that some other time) and he was walking everywhere. He really loved climbing on everything.

Alex loves sitting on my lap with a good book. I hope he loves to read. I see so many boys that don't, but it is so important, and it is something that I love so much. I have read to him and had him looking at books since he was weeks old, so hopefully it will pay off:)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


And he has officially begun walking. In the past week Alex not only began making, but can now do it rather skillfully. We just took a walk outside, and with the aid of my hand he was able to walk up our front porch stairs. He falls maybe four times a day, which is really not bad at all. Alex is so cute walking, well so cute doing everything really:)

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Babies can be so easily amused. Thank goodness.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Envelope Boy

And now for the feature film Auntie Caryn has repeatedly asked for.

Saturday, October 10, 2009


He seems to like this sleeping postion. Just tonight he fell asleep on the floor, legs tucked in, bottum up.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

eating cheerios

and we wonder why he hasn't gained much weight.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Bringing his plate to the table

Not much to say, except gosh he is cute. At night when it is dinner time, Alex knows it and heads to his high chair.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Alex loves going into our room. There really isn't anything bad for him to get in to, but man are there things to play with, drag around, climb on, and of course, in.

Friday, September 11, 2009

up up up

Oh, yeah he knows how to say up as well.


Alex can say a number of words now, all very imporant for day to day living: bunny, bird, Mo, eggo, more, no, dada, cho cho, Bama. He has yet to put two words together, but I feel he is on his way.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Really who needs fancy toys, when you have plastic containers, bowls, spoons, and empty spice jars?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

getting messy

So, Alex is doing pretty good at the whole feeding himelf, but sometimes it does get a little messy

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Alex has gotten quite good at feeding himself.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

so much to say, so little time

So Alex has been doing a good bit of talking lately. He can now say: eggo (his fav breakfast), hi, bye-bye, Mo (our cat), doggie, book, no (thankfully he doesn't say this too much), momma, mommy (though these are rarely directed to me, but more often the dog:), and dada (and this doesn't usually mean dad, but instead here).
Here is an oldie, but goodie. Baby sounds are so sweet.

Friday, August 14, 2009

15 month check up

Sp Alex is now 15 months old. He has a mouth full of teeth, working on his 10th I think. However, he is still a picky eater, and not gaining any weight. We went to a party last night and there was a 7 month old there who weighed as much as Alex. That being said, Alex is much cuter!

He is now 30 inches tall, which means when he sits on his cho cho his little toes touch the floor and he is starting to scoot himself around. Almost doesn't need mommy and daddy for that, yeah!